Z's play date with Mia was only semi-successful for LT because, in spite of his efforts, it looks like
Z and Mia had a good time without him. So a few days later LT talked his mom into arranging another play date with little Mia - this time with just the two of them (and four adults). Landon is shown at right in his car seat on the way over to her house - like a prizefighter getting ready for the big fight, he was all business.

This balloon was given to Mia by her grandfather but LT didn't waste a moment grabbing it to 're-gift' it and pretend he'd brought it special for her.

Undoubtedly Mia saw though LT's poor attempt at chivalry but she still seemed to appreciate the effort (misguided as it may have been).

the fashion diva, Mia expressed some concern over LT's choice to wear white socks with his brown lion shoes and brown pants. Unfortunately for LT, with me as the primary male role model in his life, he's pretty much screwed in this regard.

She also straightened up his dog sweatshirt a bit to make sure he looked presentable. Again, the poor guy doesn't have much hope here thanks to me - if it wasn't for Kari, I'd probably leave the house everyday with my fly undone and my pants tucked into my socks.

Poor LT is parallelized with nervous fear as Mia gets a little closer. Better than
many of his encounters with the ladies but not exactly Don Juan either.

This play date actually took place a few days before
LT's teeth came in. Mia must have known her window to one-up LT in this area was closing soon because she wasn't at all shy about showing off her own two front teeth.

Apparently being gentle is a lesson that is applicable to more than just interacting
with the dogs. LT is shocked and surprised when Kari intervenes to stop him from smacking Mia on the head.