Friday, February 29, 2008

We don't need no stinking child labor laws

I saw that Kari had put LT & Z to work the other day so I figured that maybe I too should take advantage of the new low cost labor source in the house.

It wasn't too long ago that families had lots of children so they could help out tending the farm.

We don't have any fields to sow but why not have LT help out with some of the more modern day work tasks? He seems to do well with a little filing (above). Maybe I can teach him to write software and, better yet, attending meetings! I wonder why no one has thought of this already?

And really, as long as he's happy, what's the harm? Having a job builds character!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sofi Care

Sofi came over to play the other day, much to LT's delight.

LT tried several times to steal her passie even though it was clipped securely to her shirt. Funny thing is that he hasn't even used one for several months - but when he saw that Sofi had one, he had to get it from her.

LT also tried to grab and pull Sofi's hair (again) but this time Kar was expecting it and acted quickly to thwart the attack.

Sofi, LT, Kari, me, Hailie and Bowen all went on a walk. It was a little cold outside and Sofi didn't have a jacket with her so wore LT's. It was huge on her and LT seems pretty pleased about her having it on.

Kari had fun reading books with both of the little ones (and by reading, I mean playing with). Looks to me like she's keeping up her skills so she can start Kari Kamp someday.

Most readers likely know who Sofi is by now but if not, this post about My Brother's Bar has some of the back story.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

All night daddy daycare, part 4

I'm in charge of bath time most nights, even when mom is home. So, unlike dinner where I was kind of a fish out of water, I was back in my element when it came to LT's evening bath. I even know how to entertain him while I run the water (above). Although now that I look at that picture it seems we suffered some collateral damage during dinner in the form of one missing sock.

He's not a huge fan of the soap and the hair washing (left and right) but he puts up with it.

And once all the silly formalities of washing and getting clean are out of the way...

It is party time!

And when the party slows down a bit, I know it's time to wrap things up. We get out, dry off, get a clean diapie, put on some 'calming' baby lotion, and then into our dino-jams and off to bed.

After the bath he drank more milk than I've ever seen him drink before - I had to get out a second bottle because he chugged the first one and then got pissed at me when it was empty. But once he got his fill, he fell asleep pretty quickly. He was out around 5:45 and now, a little over an hour later, he is still asleep. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will be the final dispatch from this episode of "all night daddy daycare."

Goodnight and good luck (to me).

All night daddy daycare, part 3

Dinner was less successful than we'd hoped. Notice that Kari put LT in his "World's Greatest Dad" shirt for tonight but from the look on his face, I'm not sure LT would necessarily agree with that sentiment at this particular moment. Some might call this 'ironical'...

Once we ditched the highchair and the spoon, we had a little more success with eating.

All night daddy daycare, part 3

Things are still running smoothly. I just managed to take the whole team on a [very] short walk. That's right - me, LT, Bo and Hailie all went on a walk together. And survived! My hands were a little full so there are no pictures, however.

All night daddy daycare, part 2

Just under one hour into it and all is well. Some pterodactyl sounds and a little baby babbling indicate that we haven't grown completely tired of dad just yet.

The next chapter in daddy day care

According to the 'page view' statistics provided by the advertising on the blog, the posts about "all day daddy daycare (ADDD parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7)" drew the most visitor traffic in one day that the blog had ever seen up to that point. I appreciate all of you readers out there tunning in to track my progress into uncharted teritory (uncharted for me anyway) - I assume you were all on the edge of your seats all day and fully expecting to be whiteness to my my demise. Somehow, however, me and LT made it thought the day relatively unscathed and, mercifully, Kari's didn't have to report for her second full day at work which would have been the weekend before last. Tonight, however, I wasn't so lucky - Kar is working from 3PM - 10PM tonight which leaves LT, the dogs and I home alone to fend for ourselves.

And so it is with great pleasure (and some trepidation) that I announce the second part in our daddy daycare series - All Night Daddy Daycare. It premiers tonight from 3-10. There may be zero posts and there may be twenty posts - it just depends on what the evening brings.

LT is pictured here moments after mom left for work. While still happily playing he has a look of healthy skepticism on his face as if to say, "What? *You* are going to be running the show tonight? Good luck dad..."

Baby Swap

Shawn and Albert were kind enough to watch LT on Sunday morning while Brian and I went for a bike ride, alone! It was just warm enough to go for a ride, but cold enough that LT wasn't able to join us, so this worked out perfectly. Shawn and Albert just happened to need us that night while they went to dinner, so this was a perfect baby babysitting swap!

Landon's playdate at Z's house.

Looks like they played with some blocks and built towers. Z is analyzing a star.

Shawn has a play table, but the boys seem to be more interested in the legs of the table when they are taken off rather than the actual play part.

A few hours later... (note... LT was asleep the ENTIRE playdate, so we got some extra special time with Z).

First Z took a nap at our house (Landon doesn't really like to be held while he is sleeping, so this was an extra treat for me!). Shawn and Albert didn't know it, but we were going to put their son to work while they were out having fun so Z needed to rest beforehand.

Z needed to get some stuff done on the computer (and tell his mom and dad that he was fine and not to worry).

He then had over an hour of labeling and stamping to do.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Working from home

I am working very part time for the Denver Teaching Fellows conducting interviews and making calls to potential candidates. Last week they needed a little extra help putting labels and stamps on 2300 postcards they were sending out. I decided that was something "easy" I could do from home (little did I know how many hours it would take!) Landon really loved "helping" me by playing with the paper when I was finished. Zack came over on Sunday night while his parents went out for their anniversary and he also helped me by playing with the paper. I thought these pictures were too cute of them "working" and had to post them.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Wine Playdate

Mondo Vino is a cute wine store in our neighborhood that offers free wine tasting every Friday and Saturday from 2-7 PM. Brian and I have lived in our house for nearly 5 years and had never been until Steve and Madeleine moved here about 6 months ago and encouraged us to go. Brian and I tested the scene with LT a few weeks ago and then we decided to have a mommy/baby wine tasting last Friday afternoon. Here are a few pictures of the moms and babes.

Sarah and Joss, LT and mom, Mia and Anna.

Shawn and Z (Z is eyeing that glass, as far as I know, he wasn't able to actually steal any wine that day, but you never know with little Z, he might have had a taste when his mom wasn't looking).

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Follow up play date with Mia

Crashing Z's play date with Mia was only semi-successful for LT because, in spite of his efforts, it looks like Z and Mia had a good time without him. So a few days later LT talked his mom into arranging another play date with little Mia - this time with just the two of them (and four adults). Landon is shown at right in his car seat on the way over to her house - like a prizefighter getting ready for the big fight, he was all business.

This balloon was given to Mia by her grandfather but LT didn't waste a moment grabbing it to 're-gift' it and pretend he'd brought it special for her.

Undoubtedly Mia saw though LT's poor attempt at chivalry but she still seemed to appreciate the effort (misguided as it may have been).

Always the fashion diva, Mia expressed some concern over LT's choice to wear white socks with his brown lion shoes and brown pants. Unfortunately for LT, with me as the primary male role model in his life, he's pretty much screwed in this regard.

She also straightened up his dog sweatshirt a bit to make sure he looked presentable. Again, the poor guy doesn't have much hope here thanks to me - if it wasn't for Kari, I'd probably leave the house everyday with my fly undone and my pants tucked into my socks.

Poor LT is parallelized with nervous fear as Mia gets a little closer. Better than many of his encounters with the ladies but not exactly Don Juan either.

This play date actually took place a few days before LT's teeth came in. Mia must have known her window to one-up LT in this area was closing soon because she wasn't at all shy about showing off her own two front teeth.

Apparently being gentle is a lesson that is applicable to more than just interacting with the dogs. LT is shocked and surprised when Kari intervenes to stop him from smacking Mia on the head.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Tofu and you

This week LT had tofu for the first time and even seemed to like it. I have to admit (hate to admit?) that I do eat tofu myself. However, I don't think I had my first taste of the stuff until I was 25 and, if not for Kari, I probably would never have tried it at all. But here is LT, not even a year old, and he's eating tofu. I know I've already used the blog as a forum to present a few conspiracy theories (purple blueberries and baby terrorists to name a few) but I can't help but think this whole baby tofu thing is bigger than just little LT - perhaps part of the vast far left wing agenda*. I can't prove it but I'm pretty sure Peter, the suspect looking vegan who sits near me on the rare occasions I go into he office, is somehow involved in this tofuspiracy.

*I know there is such an agenda because I watched FOX news one time.

How many people?

Shawn and Albert celebrated their 10 year anniversary yesterday by dropping Z off at our house and running to grab a drink, alone. Z took a nap, while LT played. When Shawn and Albert got back, it was LT's bath time. We all managed to squeeze in the tiny bathroom for the show. LT didn't seem to mind a bit having fans for the scrub.

Z catching some much needed sleep on the bed.

LT admiring his fans.

The crew that showed up for the bath time.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

lunch with the girls

Anna (one of my closest friends from growing up) was in town from NY* for the week. Becky, Anna, LT and I went to Raccines for lunch. I don't think Landon could have been happier than having banana and avocado with 3 girls. He was a little flirt with my friends, but I don't think these two baby lovers minded a bit.

* also see little Mr. NY

Hard at Work

Shawn had another play date today. Sofia, Sofi, Zack and Landon were all there hard at work. I am not sure exactly what they were doing on this play table, but they were all "standing" for quite awhile hard at work. I don't have a picture of this, but Landon was also hard at work pulling Sofi's hair with both hands until she would scream, we would remove his hands from her hair, turn away only to find him pulling her hair again. Poor girl... I promise to teach LT some good manners.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mr. Rockclimber

Neither Brian or I are very talented on the rocks, but Landon seems to have the skills. At swimming there is a netted fence that he loves scaling without my help, dangling in the air above water. At the Market the other morning, he was doing the same thing on the back of the chair.

Pincer Grasp

LT has been working on his pincer grasp with peas and Cheerios. This isn't a very good picture, but he has definitely mastered this skill.

Toothers came party

For months now we've been anticipating the arrival of LT's first tooth. From some of the older babies who'd already gotten their first teeth we'd heard stories of some difficult nights leading up to the big event. So we were trying to prepare for the worst with some morbid humor and told LT that we were ready for the big "all night toothers is coming party." Fortunately for us, however, it never happened. On Sunday morning at The Market we noticed that his front right bottom tooth had broken through the skin - and he'd even slept well the night before! I declared that our Sunday morning coffee trip was the official "the toothers came party" - a welcome alternative to the all night event we'd been anticipating.

This morning we had part 2 of "the toothers came party" and went to a new coffee shop in the neighborhood to celebrate the other bottom tooth breaking though. In spite of the new arrival, LT slept nearly 12 hours straight last night. I'd say we've been pretty lucky with the teeth situation so far.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Market

Brian's favorite (and correct me if I am wrong!) coffee shop is The Market downtown on Larimer Square. Before Landon came, Bri and I would ride our bikes down there on the weekends. Brian is also known to work there in the wee morning hours while enjoying his latte. Landon has even been there a few times in the earlier part of his life. We have been talking about going for about a month now, but with Landon's irregular sleep schedule and Brian's regular coffee schedule (immediately when he wakes up), the timing hasn't worked out. However, on Sunday, we convinced Zack to wake up at the same time as Landon and bring his parents down to enjoy some coffee and discuss plans to go to Mexico together. Landon enjoyed it so much that he planned his sleeping to be able to go again Monday morning with Brian (he would work and we would read the newspaper and climb on the chair). Here are a few pictures from our mornings at The Market.LT is trying to get Z's attention.

When all else fails - just give him a good hard yank!