Saturday, February 9, 2008

All day daddy daycare, Part 2 of ?

At about 8:15 LT was starting to look tired and hungry so I started our normal eat and nap routine. We go change the baby, put baby in his sleep sack, feed baby and rock baby to sleep. We've got this routine down pretty well - so well, in fact, that even dad can usually do it all by himself with no problems.

This morning, however, did not go so smoothly. He didn't want to eat (only one ounce even though I knew he was hungry) and it took almost an hour and a half for him to fall asleep. Even numerous turtle timeouts didn't help.

Will this first nap attempt set the tone for the rest of the day? Or was it just an anomaly? This dad is hoping it's the latter.

This picture is actually from the other night when LT and I were hanging out. I wasn't able to get any new pictures during the recent nap and food strike.

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