Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I don't sing...

Well, more accurately, I didn't sing until LT came. I'm not sure you could really call what I do now singing but I don't know how else to classify it. I've taken to making up little songs for the baby. Some are better than others although they all are off key. The diapie song below is probably my favorite and I subject Kari and LT to some variation of it several times a day. Lucky for me LT likes it (as you can see in the picture) and his vote is the only one that counts. Plus it makes diaper changing fun (which is not something I thought I'd ever say). "We're going to get clean and dry
clean and dry, do you know why?
do you know why we get clean and dry?
we get clean and dry so the baby doesn't cry
so the baby doesn't cry, that's why
we get clean and dry so the baby doesn't cry
and that's how we sing our diapie song!"

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