Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Hammonds Candy Factory

 I just have B and LT this week, Ads is with Baba for the week!  We have had a lot of fun doing various activities, but one day I took them to the Hammonds Candy factory.  B had never been and LT and I hadn't been since we went with our cousin several years ago.  

 Of course you have to get the biggest possible candy after the tour.
Post tour, post lollipop.

Friday, July 19, 2019


 B is really fascinated by volcanoes.  We spent an afternoon this week building them, reading about them and coloring them.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and a terrible picture

The broadway show was amazing!  I had pretty low expectations considering how much I love love love the original movie.  The adult humor was entertaining and the updated characters were remarkable.  I highly recommend it if it comes to you!

Modeling Capes

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Birthday fun

 I had such a fun birthday weekend this year, but one of the best parts was an outdoor concert with lots and lots of fun friends for us and for the kids.  B has to put up with a lot being the youngest, but he also kind of likes the attention he gets (in this case being tickled) by the big kids and their friends.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Life with B and a Fuzzy chair

 B has gotten very into superheros (new for us) and dressing up.  Its rare that we leave the house without some type of cape (he has 5 to choose from, but leans towards wearing a blue one almost everyday)

A few weeks ago the boys and I were at Target and saw the fuzziest most comfortable chair.  None of us could stop thinking about it and finally we just went online, saw it was on sale and ordered it.  And its been loved and fought over (in a good way).  Brian wanted to do "store pick up", which was great in theory until we realized the store he had to pick it up at was in Lone Tree. 

VV nights

 The past few summers we have had dinner at VV about once a week, but given the cold weather earlier in the summer, we hadn't been until this week when we met some friends there.  And ran into B's teacher (below).  And wanted an upside down superman pic with dad (also below)

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

"Life Raft"

We put this lycra climbing gym in our basement when we moved back in.  B calls it the "life raft".  Its been a hit amongst our kids as well as all other kids who come to play

The best-laid plans of dads and 3yr olds...

Sunday, July 7, 2019


On the way to 4th of July festivities at the pool. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


The boys had a swim meet today.  The last time A swam 50 breast at the Stapleton pool, he jumped in and accidentally swam freestyle (of which he quickly corrected, but was DQd, and laughed while he was swimming about).  Today, this wasn't the case.  He swam a beautiful 50 right next to one of his best buds from his old class, and a kid he swims year round with. 

Zoo Dayz

 Yesterday LT was at camp all day and the younger two and I were sitting around trying to figure out a plan in the afternoon when our friends (the baby I watched) asked if we wanted to go to the zoo.  It was perfect timing and (mostly) perfect weather.  We rode the train, carousel and got ice cream. 

And B passed out a few minutes after getting in the car to pick up LT.