Friday, February 27, 2015

when left to our own devices

A few months ago the boys and I were home alone while Kari was out for the evening. LT had been taking a golf class once a week after school and wanted to see some of my gear. One thing led to another, as things do, and soon we had our own makeshift driving range in the garage.

Some might question the soundness of the parenting decisions here but I think the fact that the tears didn't last too long after the golf club to the face incident only goes to show how truly brilliant the whole thing really was.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Grandma Camp '14




A few photos, courtesy of Baba, of LT's forth and Adler's very first Grandma Camp last summer.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


A fun and kinda special dinner out over the holidays when cousin Nicholas and family were in town.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

different styles

The boy divided the real estate on their lego table in half and the way the each use their respective sides seems very indicative of their personalities. It's probably somewhat due to age too. But mostly personality.

Monday, February 23, 2015

the first-born

LT and I in his classroom after a K-1-2 performance.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Kid's open gym

The kid's open gym hour at APEX Movement, a indoor parkour gym just off Santa Fe & Mississippi, is one of the most fun activities we've come across in a long time. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Kiwi Crate

This months kiwi crate was a cooking theme.  The boys got to decorate aprons and chefs hats and decorate foam cakes with fake frosting.  It was a big hit.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Ski weekend with the Whalens

 We spent this past weekend in the mountains with some good friends.  The big boys are just 2 months apart in age, and the younger ones are just days apart.
These two are double trouble, the picture speaks a thousand words.

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Some of my photos (and a video) from Breckenridge including more skiing, ski crashing, bowling, reading together, kid’s menu coloring, and Pink Goat Cheese Salad (Adler's stuffy) getting unloaded from the car with the rest of our gear.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A week in Breck

 After we lost Elsie, Brian's company was so thoughtful and gave our family a week off to spend together in Breckenridge and ski.  While it was an emotional week (knowing that if our little girl had lived, we wouldn't be there), we had a really nice week as a family.  We were spoiled.  The hotel was on the mountain, ski valet just feet from 3 lifts, beautiful indoor pools and a bowling alley.  We skied each day, swam, bowled, and went out to eat in the town a few times.

The first day, Adler was a little hesitant to ski and definitely not confident in his abilities.  He fell often.  Landon was pretty unsure of his skiing also.  Brian and I split up and each took one for the first two days.  By the end of the week, Landon had embraced the powder on the edges of runs, began parallel skiing more frequently, and learned to ski fast yet in control.  Adler's confidence grew, his turns became more natural, he was able to recover from little bumps, and he skied a few blues.  The best part, however, was that the four of us could ski together.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Adler has been anxiously awaiting a visit from the toothfairy after watching his brother loose teeth for a few years.  Last week, he noticed his bottom tooth was loose and he couldn't wait for it to fall out.  It finally did about a week later and he proudly shows everyone he knows.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Another Dino

Often when I pick up Adler from story book club, he carries out a large dino drawing on a white board.  This week was no exception.

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Love this kid!

Grandma's birthday

 Grandma's birthday is New Years day.  We were lucky enough to have most of us together to celebrate (just missing my older brother and his family).  Steve and I decided to cook a mediterranean spread for a big family dinner.  Landon with his pita bread smile and Brian with his pink fluffy feathery tiara were definitely some of the humor of the evening.