Monday, February 25, 2008

Wine Playdate

Mondo Vino is a cute wine store in our neighborhood that offers free wine tasting every Friday and Saturday from 2-7 PM. Brian and I have lived in our house for nearly 5 years and had never been until Steve and Madeleine moved here about 6 months ago and encouraged us to go. Brian and I tested the scene with LT a few weeks ago and then we decided to have a mommy/baby wine tasting last Friday afternoon. Here are a few pictures of the moms and babes.

Sarah and Joss, LT and mom, Mia and Anna.

Shawn and Z (Z is eyeing that glass, as far as I know, he wasn't able to actually steal any wine that day, but you never know with little Z, he might have had a taste when his mom wasn't looking).

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