Saturday, September 1, 2007

Big City Baby?

A longtime friend of Kari's who now lives in NYC, Anna, was in Denver last week and came over to see LT. She brought him an adorable little 'I Love NY' outfit. We held it up for him to look at and he just stared at it intently - presumably interested in its color and contrast. He looked at it for a while and then out of nowhere he bursts out with a short loud, "MEH!" We've never heard a sound like that out of him before and our first reaction was to start laughing. Then, as though he was frustrated that we weren't taking him seriously, he did it again!

I'm not sure what to make of this - he's never had such a strong reaction to a material thing before. Maybe it means that at only 3 months old he is already longing to make a life for himself in the big city. Or maybe it means that he is destined to eschew urban life for something simpler (he does seem to like the mountains and being outside). But probably it doesn't mean anything. Regardless, it was a very cute gift.

We may be headed to NYC in December for a wedding - we'll see what he thinks of it in person.

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