Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sofi Care

Sofi came over to play the other day, much to LT's delight.

LT tried several times to steal her passie even though it was clipped securely to her shirt. Funny thing is that he hasn't even used one for several months - but when he saw that Sofi had one, he had to get it from her.

LT also tried to grab and pull Sofi's hair (again) but this time Kar was expecting it and acted quickly to thwart the attack.

Sofi, LT, Kari, me, Hailie and Bowen all went on a walk. It was a little cold outside and Sofi didn't have a jacket with her so wore LT's. It was huge on her and LT seems pretty pleased about her having it on.

Kari had fun reading books with both of the little ones (and by reading, I mean playing with). Looks to me like she's keeping up her skills so she can start Kari Kamp someday.

Most readers likely know who Sofi is by now but if not, this post about My Brother's Bar has some of the back story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, the pacifier fight. Amelia is a big fan of her passie and friend Gabby tried to steal it one day. I made this video thinking it would make a good submission for America's Funniest Home videos, but never got around to submitting it.