Sunday, August 24, 2008

No biting

When LT gets overtired, is hungry, or teething, he bites my shoulders, arms, legs, and it hurts! I have tried various suggestions, having no luck stopping him(with the exception of biting him back or hurting him in anyway as has been suggested by some). However, when he does it and catches me off guard, I sometimes loudly tell him, "NO!" The other day, I was putting LT down for a nap and he bit me. I said, "NO!, No biting". Poor Hailie is super sensitive. Brian said when I yelled, she climbed onto his lap (self portrait above). Poor baby girl, she doesn't quite understand that when I raise my voice, it isn't always at her.
*** Her other brother gets in trouble often and every time I raise my voice and tell Bo, "NO", she also hides or gets afraid.

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