Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First Brazilian Food

OK, OK, so LT didn't technically eat Brazilian food (but mostly because we ate too late... yea, that's the reason, oh and it was extra spicy... but he would have). He did, however sit like a big kid at a fancy restaurant way past his bedtime perfectly well. He even sat strapped into a big person chair by a tablecloth on a booster seat because they don't have high chairs.

My dad's (one of them) younger brother and his family are in town this week. Below to the left are Papa, Grandma, Uncle Tom (guess that would be LT's great uncle Tom) and Aunt Diane. Above is my cousin, Cori (first cousin once removed to LT? Something like that...)

LT ate some potatoes, avocado and strawberries while he sat patiently waiting for us to order, chat and eat our dinner. He even sat through coffee and desert. Uncle Tom commented that he had never had such a nice dinner with a one year old, GO LT!

After dinner LT showed off his climbing skills up and over the booster.

And just as we were about to leave, Mr. Steven K. Imig, Esq. showed up in his suit and tie (funny to think of my little brother as a professional, but he sure is).

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