Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More Pferdesteller Park

As of this morning a Google search for "Pferdesteller Park" will place the previous blog post about said subject as #2 on the search results. Not bad...

Apparently overnight I've become one of the web's most authoritative sources of information on Mr. or Mrs. Pferdesteller (assuming good old Pferd was a person, of course). I'd like to think Stephen Colbert would be proud but, if anything, this should be a little lesson that you should always be somewhat skeptical of what you read online.

Anyway, it was a beautiful day today and we took LT over to the park for a bit at lunch. He's so laid back on the swing I'm still not sure if he really likes it or not.

Just the other day we went and visited Sofi and her mom (below) while they helped coached soccer at Pferdesteller.

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