Monday, April 28, 2008

Addendum to "Just another night, part THREE"

For the most part Kari has accurately described my interesting weekend in "Just another night" parts two and three. However, in part three, she said that she was a "terrible wife" for letting me go to the ER alone. This is not true - I insisted that I go alone so that LT could sleep. I was fine getting there and back - it was just a nasty itchy case of hives and not something that would impair my driving*. In fact, when I got to the hospital I parked on the street and walked the extra 1/2 block so I wouldn't have to pay the $2 garage parking fee (this will come as no surprise to those who know me well) - clearly I wasn't in too bad of shape.

Anyway, just wanted to set the record straight. My wife isn't terrible. Period.

* OK so technically the nurse kind of scolded me for driving on a double dose of Benadryl because it can make you very drowsy but, honestly, I was *way* to uncomfortable to fall asleep during the short 2 mile drive. Plus, even after the scolding they let me drive myself home.

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