Sunday, June 19, 2011

Who's Boss?

We live next to an 8 year old girl and a 9 year old girl. Not only is LT the only boy, but hes 5 years younger. This didn't stop him from bossing these girls (and their 9 year old guy friend) around the other day. The girls were having a lemonade stand in front and whenever this happens, they bring out their bright pink Barbie jeep. Often the stand is unattended and the girls are ripping laps around the block. This particular day was no different. Adler was napping, and LT and I were bored inside. We headed outside in the front to an unattended lemonade stand. LT decided he was going to start sweeping up the sidewalks and dumping the dirt into a little wagon. However, when the girls (and their buddy) rounded the corner in the jeep, LT pulled all three of them into his little game, with not an ounce of shyness. They are all really sweet kids and before long, the jeep was a trash truck and LT was telling all three of them what to do. I love that he is so confident around older kids and that the older kids he has contact with are so kind to him.

Once Adler woke up, LT and Adler drove the jeep around a bit, changing the radio stations from rap to salsa to country.

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