Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Science Camp Fun

Today we went to another Camp Fun with LTs Steele buddies. The theme today was Science! There were four different activities set up with hands on activities.
The first experiment was magnets. The kids experimented with different things to see what attracts to magnets and what doesn't.
We were split into groups and our group included Zack, Isaac and Jonah.
Adler really loved playing with the magnets.

The next experiment was to see what sinks and what floats. As you can see Adler enjoyed science camp as much as the big boys!
Not long after this, Adler took a bite out of a seashell. I'm not sure if he thought it was a noodle since the only shells he has really seen are noodles.

The other two experiments were a blind juice taste test and a making bubbles area. After the experiments the kids had snack. They also made paper airplanes and even launched a rocket!

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