Monday, June 20, 2011

Alder Chatter

Adler is constantly learning new words and how to string them together (its common to hear 2 words in a row, sometimes he gets three). I can't even keep up. He can now say most of the colors, and knows some of them. He will repeat anything we ask him to say and is notorious for practicing his new words as he falls asleep at night. Here are some of our favorite things Adler now says:

Boo Boo = blueberries
Nack = snack
Bo bo = Bowen or Hailie (all other dogs are woofs)
waf = breakfast
bak = bike (which he goes to get anytime the word is mentioned)
Abua = swimming, water, bath, and going pee in the potty
ash = ice
ish = fish
pop = popping noises and catterpillar
apple= apple or pineapple
bubba = butter or bubbles
cook = cookie
waa waa = yellow
yea yea = train
det = top
yash = trash
duck = truck
da = duck

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