Saturday, June 18, 2011


Brian read an article awhile ago about siblings. I didn't read it, so I am paraphrasing what he told me, but the gist was basically that as parents we tend to magnify the differences between our kids. We say how different they are, rather than noticing that siblings are actually more similar than different. At times it has been difficult for me to see that our kids are actually similar. Recently though, I have seen some similarities. Here is an example. LT had camp at the Nature and Science Museum this week. Adler and I spent an hour at the Discovery Zone in the museum while LT was at camp. He spent the majority of the time in the DZ putting magnets onto this pole and emptying it, then repeating. It was like deja vu. I distinctly remember LT doing the same thing, at about the same age, for a LONG time.

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