Sunday, August 28, 2011


The boys and I went to the children's consignment store the other day to sell all our old winter clothes. Sitting right in the kids path was a huge fire truck. We had some money in our account from things we've sold and so I told the boys they could get something (Adler wanted a 200$ ride on golf cart, which I have to admit was adorable). They agreed on this fire truck. It desperately needed to be cleaned. Given how much the boys love taking showers and cleaning things, I put both boys with the truck in the shower to get it cleaned before I let them play with it.
Its not technically a ride on toy, but its big and strong enough to hold one of them at a time.

Adler is obsessed with recycling bins and trucks, so it was no surprise that the ladder bucked was immediately a "cycle" for Adler.

LTs numbers are really funny right now, he especially loves 20, 11.
Adler has become a little parrot, repeating everything anyone says, but mostly what his brother says, even the obnoxious sounds LT makes.

And I had to take this video of Adler. For years, I told LT that the ice cream truck was a music truck. My dad bought the boys ice cream from a truck and spilled the beans. Adler's perfect little ears can hear the truck a mile away and he yells, "ICE, ICE!" After the truck passed and I had said no, he said, "book, ice, open" (Bookery Nook is a bookstore that serves ice cream 2 blocks from our house). If I say no to that, he moves on to, "Man, ice, park" (Little Man is another ice cream store not far away and across the street from a park. I should also say that Adler can finish off his ice cream faster than anyone else in our family and then is sad when no one will share with him.

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