Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back to Mud

LT was sad to have missed the Mud exhibit at the Art Museum when he saw pictures of Adler there. I promised him we would go back, and we did. On Tuesday we spent the morning playing with clay at the art museum. LT loved it as much as I thought he would.
The day before I had a lot of work to finish up for a project I have been working on for work. The boys were so sweet and played amazingly well together. They created a restaurant where they cooked pancakes for 2 hours. They served them over and over to each other. LTs pancake making carried over to the art museum. He decided to make a pancake out of his clay. The way he did this was pressing his hands down on the clay, placing his chin on top and hanging out for 20 or more minutes.
Eventually, I'm not sure how he knew, his pancake was finished and he was ready to move on to making a dog on a skateboard.
Civic Center is directly across the street and so we went after the museum to have lunch at the food trucks. I got a 12 inch pizza for the 3 of us to share, or so I thought, I didn't get any. Not a bite. I let them split a cupcake for dessert (Adler ate none). LT ate the bottom part of his half and took the frosting off to make it into a clay ball like he was given at the museum. It was 95 degrees, not the best time to make frosting into a ball, but luckily mom always brings lots of wipes.

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