Monday, August 29, 2011

Making Pizza

Both boys love baking and cooking. I can only blame (or thank) my dad's side of the family for this. I remember my grandma baking yummy treats for our visits. My dad was often baking pies, cinnamon rolls or cookies when I was young. To this day, there is occasionally an applesauce cake or other treats on his counter. Although not as skilled of a baker, I have become addicted as well. While I like baking, its even more enjoyable with my kids and to see the joy (and flour) in their eyes as they partake in the fun. I let them make the pizza dough the other night. A kitchen disaster would be an understatement, but the kids were happy and we had a few edible bites of pizza for dinner. Its especially fun this time of year when they can go out to the garden and pick their toppings for the pizza :)LT decided that the pizza should be Christmas tree shaped.
Probably the highlight of the night was when LT wrapped and wrapped and wrapped the dough around the rolling pin and then ran around the kitchen with it. This might have also been the point where most of our dinner was lost.

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