Monday, February 8, 2010

Photo Shoot

I subjected the boys to yet another amateur hour photo shoot on the morning of Superbowl Sunday.

Brown B
Brown B even got his turn.

baby smile
Baby smiles are the best!

baby foot
He's getting bigger but his little feet are still pretty cute.

baby and his foot
Apparently I'm not the only one that finds baby feet entertaining.

school picture?
As far as I'm concerned, this can pass for a school picture. Save a few bucks on that one. I mean, that is if you don't count the thousands of dollars of camera and computer equipment.

candid smile
Here's a real smile out of LT. I was lucky to catch this before he decided to smile for the camera.

smile for the camera
Because a two and a half year old smiling for the camera looks like this. Nice, eh?

Trying to get the boys to sit together and look at the camera but the only thing they'd look at was the TV. At least it was football.

I'm afraid I may have unintentionally taught LT this fun party trick.

"Brothers don't shake hands. Brothers gotta hug."

So yeah, I put my boys in matching train sweaters and tried to coerce them into sitting together for pictures. Fatherhood changes a man...


Unknown said...

GREAT photos, man. Tell me what equipment you have so I can start saving.

Brian said...

My gear actually isn't too special. All the shots in this post were taken with a Canon T1i DSLR with a EF 50mm f/1.8 II lens.

Unknown said...

It takes nice shots. Thanks.