Monday, February 1, 2010

Keeping us on our toes

Adler is constantly trying to wrestle his way out of things. I never once buckled LT into a bouncy chair or stroller. I would put him high on counters in the bouncy chair and never once worried that he would get himself out of them. LT never tried to pry his way out of a stroller either. Adler is teaching us why those straps are put there. I have a bouncy chair in our bathroom so that I can shower and leave him there. I happened to, luckily, look out one morning (when he was just weeks old) and he had almost wriggled his way out of the bouncy. From that day on, both Brian and I strap him in.
The Bumbo chairs (pictured in these photos) don't have straps. We put this chair on counters and tables with LT, but I wouldn't dare do that with Adler. These pictures were with him on the floor, and me watching. As you can see, he is trying his best to get out of it, and he almost did.
Parenting would be pretty boring if the second kid was the same as the first, but you don't know any different. Adler sure keeps us on our toes, constantly. I am sure this is just the tip of the iceberg too.
Using his arms as best he can to push his body up and out.Trying the other direction, maybe this way will work better.
Taking a rest and devising a new plan to get out of it.

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