Saturday, September 26, 2009

Little bros

LTs friend Maike and her little brother came over on Wednesday for a play date and to meet Adler. They really got along well and Maike seemed to enjoy all of LTs Bob the Builder tools and his trains.
LT really wanted some "breksfast" cereal for a snack. We put cheerios and "muk" into the bowls and they both enjoyed it. Maike had been taught (or figured out) how to drink the remainder of the milk from the side of the bowl like a cup. LT looked at what she was doing, decided he would try, and went straight for the middle of the bowl like a dog. It was so funny to watch and we just let him continue trying to slurp up the milk rather than correcting him, although I did show him at the end what Maike was in fact doing.
This is the four kids, Maike with her 7 month old brother, Lucas and LT with Adler who was almost 2 weeks at the time. Its amazing how different in age Lucas and Adler seem right now, but soon enough they will be doing the same things!

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