Sunday, October 26, 2008

Obama speech witnessed by LT (and about 100K others)

An estimated 100,000 people showed up Sunday at Denver's Civic Center Park...

To see LT and his chief economic adviser announce a comprehensive new set of economic policies.

There was some other guy at the park as well and he said a few words that the crowd seemed to respond to. He's in the picture above though it's hard to see because we were so far from the stage (in spite of showing up hours in advance). No, the shining light isn't *actually* him but you can see him just to the right of it if you zoom in and use your imagination a bit.

Somehow amidst the crowd we managed to meet up with the Fazendin crew. Trying to explain where we were on the phone was kind of tricky, "we're near a flag and next to a bunch of people with blue signs..." But we did find them as evidenced by the photo above. And to prove that it is a small world we ran into Brewster and Helen Boyd, my next door neigbors from when I was LT's age.

LT took a little nap while we waited for the big event to start. Mama held him while he slept and a nice woman lent us that blanket.

But the real heroes of the day (to me at least) were these two women. I didn't get a very good picture of it but they did a great job of boxing out the crowds and protecting Kari and LT while the little guy napped. And we never asked them or anyone for help - they just did it because they were nice people. Now that's the kind of real America that I want to live in.

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