Friday, October 17, 2008

Boys and Moms on the Run

One of the classes at the Logan School (where I teach very part time) is called "Girls on the Run". They are often times just sitting around talking about girl stuff and the name has always baffled me. I know girls need their "girl" time, but I am not sure the class really defines the name. However, after our experience with three boys at common's park the other day it was clear to me that we could in fact start a class called "Boy's and moms on the Run". I am not sure the moms had a full conversation for more than a few seconds without one of us having to run off to chase one of the boys. The pictures below capture the few moments when the boys found something to entertain themselves and enabled me to take a quick photo. Mostly we just ran around!

Not sure what this new habit of LT's is, but he is often times found lying on his back on the ground. The playdate was the start of this trend, but he does it often at home as well.
The three boys found a wall, it was a race to see who could climb it. I don't think any of them actually made it up.

Isaac looking at me as if I was crazy for wanting a picture of him.

The three of them found this statue of a person lying face down (sort of disturbing if you ask me, but it was pretty interesting to the boys). With recent rain, the area around the person was filled with absolutely disgusting water, but we let them play in it anyway. Isaac wanted to swim, z drove his cars and trains along the side and LT threw Z's toys in the water while LT laughed hysterically and Z told him "no, no, no".
Unfortunately, as is usually the case, the hysterical laughing by LT and Z's telling LT to stop by saying "NO" had subsided by the time I got the camera out to take a video, but here is a small clip.

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