Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kite festival

Their website says that the "One Sky One World [kite festival] takes place Rain, Snow or Shine" and they were true to their word. It didn't actually snow on Sunday but one Stapleton resident and virtual friend sited the "cold and crappy" weather as reason for not attending the festival.

Thanks to his cousin [jacket] and Baba [hat] LT has lots of cold weather gear so we decided to brave the weather and head over to 'campus' to check out some kites. The picture above made me think of the stereotypical mountain climbing summit shot and I like to think of it as LT declaring his victory on Stapleton and the day's weather.

Mr. Serious pictured above.

LT is always pretty serious about new situations and has to take some time to figure things out. But on this day it didn't take long to relax and have some fun...

There are few things as wonderful as a young child's expressions of pure joy and excitement over things that we 'grownups' take for granted. We could learn something from these little guys.

A cute picture of mom and baby. I guess baby isn't really the appropriate term anymore but it'll take me awhile to adjust. Mom and toddler? Yeah, it'll take awhile.

Unfortunately for me, I got sick (no idea, but don't think the weather played a part) and didn't really get to enjoy our lunch at the local Stapleton eatery, "Noodles and Company."

1 comment:

Jeremy, Julie, Eva and Kate said...

These pictures are absolutely precious!!