Friday, October 19, 2007

Thought I was making things easier...

(Editors note: this is the first post by Kari. For a while now Shawn and I have encouraged her to share some of her stories and she today she finally did!)With a new baby, we decided that it would probably be easier to have
the dog food we get delivered (being that we need 2 x 36 pound bags
each month). However, today may have proved that it is not in fact
easier. I called to order the food and instantly my card was declined
(only to find out after 20 minutes of being on the phone with the nice
gentleman with LT crying, that he had put in the wrong numbers!)
Problem solved, food would be delivered in 30 minutes time. In 30
minutes, I look outside to see the man pulling the first bag out of
the trunk of his car and decide to leave LT in his exersaucer and open
the door to help him. However, I had momentarily forgotten that Bowen
has to be tough and bark and jump when anyone is near our house.
Needless to say, as the man was opening our gate to put the bag of
food in the yard, Bowen jumped while barking quite loudly, nearly
escaped, scared the poor man to death and caused his younger brother
(LT) to begin crying hystarically... Getting everything under control
I was wondering to myself "maybe it would be easier to just go pick-up
the food after all...?"

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