Monday, October 15, 2007

"35 Degrees and Still Sold Out"

Although technically I think it was closer to 40, "35 Degrees and Still Sold Out" was what the homemade sign a few rows in front of us said last night as the Rockies won game 3 of the NLCS in the rain and cold. One more win and they'll make their first ever World Series appearance.

To be honest, I'm not really a baseball fan. I like to say the reason I'm not a fan is because the games aren't that exciting and the season is way too long. Really though, it probably has more to do with my less than distinguished little league career that was marked by strikeouts and lots and lots of time in right field (maybe LT will be better than me).

I guess it makes me a "fair-weather fan" but how could we say no when Kari's parents generously offered us tickets to the game AND babysitting? To prepare for the weather we packed our bag with hats, gloves, jackets and even a waterproof blanket (made in Seattle where they know a little something about rain). Without thinking much about it, I also threw in two cloth diapers to wipe down our seats but it would turn out that they would be used for more than that. We sat in the cold and rain with 50,000 other fans and when everyone else would waive their white Rockies towels we'd waive our baby diapers. Even a night out without the baby isn't without it's little reminders of just how much the baby has changed our lives but that's exactly how it should be and I wouldn't have it any other way. So call us fair-weather fans (although I'll remind you that the weather was anything but fair) and I guess you'd be right but we rooted for the home team and really had a great time doing it. It's hard to argue with that.

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