Sunday, October 21, 2007

Baby's First Snow

The weather called for snow and we'd even talked about how we should take a picture and all that because it would be LT's first. However, we woke up this morning to some light rain and cloudy skies but no snow. A little later in the morning it looked like the rain had let up so we decided to take the whole family on a little walk. Turns out we walked right into the start of the snow storm - we weren't even a hundred yards from our house before the sky had opened up and the snow was coming down hard and wet.

Once around the block was all we could manage. Kari and I with our heads down and poor little Hailie with her tail between her legs and a look on her snow covered face that seemed to say, "Mom & Dad, why are you doing this to me?" Landon, all bundled up and under the canopy of his stroller, was just fine and even fell asleep. Bowen, of course, loved the weather and was disappointed when the rest of us cut the walk short and headed inside. I guess some family members are just tougher than others.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have I told you lately how much these photos and commentary mean to me? It helps keep my precious family near. I love you all!