Friday, May 15, 2015


There is never a dull moment with this child.  
Wearing mommy's glasses.

A fancy dress found at the dentists office.

Pouting because we can't ride on the same lift as our friend.

Don't you shop with your head IN the grocery cart?

Or ride a bike from underneath?

Sitting front row at a play with mommy.

An early morning picture on the counter.

Full temper tantrum because he had to brush his teeth.

More homemade whipped cream than waffle.

No caption needed.

Breakfast. Despite our best efforts, eating *at* the table is the exception rather than the rule.

He puts himself fully into just about everything he does (for good and bad). 

With style.

His own unique style.

And his own unique ideas. This was at the park but he also instigated similar activities at school a few days later, which resulted in him losing his flip-flops buried in the sand.

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