Saturday, June 19, 2010

Potty trained (ing)

For some time now, I have wanted to get LT potty trained, for a variety of reasons. First, he is 3 now, seems like a reasonable time. Second, most of his buddies are, or are on their way to being, potty trained. Third, he needs to be for school next year (or so they say at least). But the very biggest motivator for me is the sheer number of diapers the Campbell household throws away daily and my constant guilt of polluting the earth. Despite all these reasons motivating me, I have to be honest that it seemed like a very daunting task (especially hearing Brian's parents talk about the troubles they had trying to potty train Brian and how old he was).
This week, I was sort of thrown off guard and forced to potty train. I order both boys diapers off of Amazon. They are shipped once a month in a big box. Last month we had plenty of LTs diapers and so I skipped a shipment and forgot to restart the subscription. Thus, Monday morning, I was left with NO diapers for LT. On top of that, I was watching Sofi and Ofelia for a portion of the day. Yikes, 2 kids in underwear (1 not potty trained at all) and two mischevious babies who have no fear.
In hindsight (even though it was hard at the time), this was probably the best day to just force LT into being potty trained. Sofi, one of his closest buds, was already potty trained. Seeing her ask to go potty reminded him all day that he should ask too and he did. I think he had one accident all day the first day and probably 3 or so more all week. It was a little rough the first day with both kids asking to go potty every 15 minutes, but LT seems to get it. So, here I am documenting this huge milestone (and hoping he doesn't regress).

In addition to potty training, we did some finger painting (which is the only time I had a minute to take out the camera!)
Poor Adler really really wanted to finger paint, but was forced to just watch from the sidelines.
The calm before the storm. Not long after this picture was taken, the kids just dumped out the jars of paint and their pictures were piled mile high with paint. They loved it.Thank you, Sofi!

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