Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Easy Rider

Yesterday evening we came home to find the neighborhood girls with a lemonade stand out in the front yard. LT talked his mom into buying him a glass of lemonade which came with a complementary Oreo cookie. He loved that but the best part for LT was getting to spend some time with the older girls. His moment with the ladies was fleeting, however, as their attention soon shifted and they raced off in their motorized Barbie jeep.

LT desperately wanted to join them so he got his bike and, escorted by his mom while wearing his monkey helmet, Thomas sunglasses, tight jammies (from the night before), and sandals on the wrong feet, slowly chased after them in an effort that everyone but LT could see was doomed from the very start.

all you haters...
I generally try for a self-deprecating humility in my writing but just this once I feel the need to congratulate myself on a truly fine photograph. It's no small feat to make poor little LT look cool during his naive and futile attempt at wooing the older girls, but I think he looks pretty cool here.

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