Monday, October 19, 2009

Little LT

Its really hard not to compare the two boys, despite my best efforts. I am sure they will be more different than they are the same, but looking back at pictures of LT at Adler's age, they looking strikingly similar. Adler has a lot more dark hair than LT had at his age and I think, though could be magically forgetting, that Adler is a bit chunkier than LT was (which I think is absolutely adorable!)
Brian and I both think the boys will be great friends (probably a bit, or a lot, of fighting along the way!) LT adores his brother, he wants to wake him up to play, hold him, kiss him, help him "be happy" when he's crying. Adler, not always, but often, settles down when he hears LTs voice. Next to my voice, LT has been with Adler since conception the most out of anyone. I am sure there is something very soothing about his brothers voice.
Smile? We think so! It was about the same time with LT that we were wondering if he was truly smiling.

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