Sunday, September 28, 2008

True Master Gardner

A few years ago I gave Kari the nickname of "Master Gardner" after she'd managed to kill a number of those kinds of plants that are supposed to be really easy to care for. In spite of the untimely death of so many of our poor plants, she still talked about big ideas to plant full vegetable and flower gardens in our front and side yards (at the old house). So "Master Gardner" was meant to be a loving joke not unlike calling myself a "master of spelling."

To her credit, Kari's gardening skills have improved since that time*. Our basil plant, for example, has enhanced many meals and is still alive. In spite of the improvement, I still use the title of "master" with a fair amount of irony.

Yet there is hope for her because her grandfather might be deserving of the title without any of the irony. He grows a pretty diverse selection of vegetables in his Massachusetts garden. During our recent visit I had what might have been the best green beans I've ever tasted fresh from that very garden. He also grows pumpkins, squash and watermelon and even adds a little personal touch for grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

LT showing off his personalized baby watermelon below.

* A college friend's blog, has been helpful in expanding Kari's gardening skills.

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