Thursday, September 25, 2008

Great Grandparents

LT is really lucky to have met and spent some time with his great-grandparents. My mom's parents live in Massachusetts and LT has been to visit twice. He is the ninth great-grandchild of theirs!
While we were visiting last weekend for their 65th anniversary, my grandpa Robie took LT out to pick some flowers from his beautiful garden.
After pulling all the pedals off the flower and leaving a nice mess on the floor, he kindly walked over to my grandmother to give her the flower.
What a sweet boy.

My mom had already left when this picture was taken and we forgot to get a four generations picture while she was there, but this is three at least!

1 comment:

Jeremy, Julie, Eva and Kate said...

What a sweet boy! Also, how wonderful you were able to head to MA. Jet setters:)