Friday, June 13, 2014

Chronicles of a fun summer (so far)

I have been sending Brian pictures of all the fun we are having this summer and he suggested I put them on the blog (good idea, little time).  Rather than writing individual blogs for each event, I thought I would highlight some of the fun we have had so far this summer.  The boys are at great ages for nearly every activity and we have been busy.

 My dad and I took Adler hiking at Lair of the Bear one morning.  Unfortunately, due to the flooding last fall, our normal route is closed.  Instead we went up the path towards the castle, which was fun for Adler to see.
 We investigated rocks.
 Threw rocks into the river.
 And walked a long way in the heat. Afterwards we stopped at Glacier ice cream (best I have found in Denver so far!).
 We made our annual trek to Lakeside.  Not much changes from year to year except for the size of my boys. Landon is definitely outgrowing the kiddie area.

 We've had several picnics in the park (with playground time of course!)  Eating lunch outside, in the shade, on a hot day is one of my favorite things to do with these guys.
 Landon and I have been to Sunflower farms two times now, but Adler had never been. We met up with several of his friends from our old 'hood and spent a day at the farm.  He embraced the zipline as his older brother did the first time Landon went.

 And played for a long time in the magical treehouse.  

 Adler's class had a picnic on the last day of school.  This is his teacher and a few of his friends.
 Grandma and Papa generously gave us their Rockies tickets a few nights ago so that we could take the boys to a game.  Luckily our seats were close enough to see well, but under cover because it was raining.  We still managed to have a lot of fun and eat a lot of crappy ball game food!

Swimming, lots of swimming.  Its not the most conducive place for taking pictures, but we have been swimming nearly every day that its warm enough.  This week we swam with one of Landon's best buds from school.  In addition to the pictures, we have gone to White Fence Farm, mini golfing (twice), spent a day at the zoo, went to the art museum, played lots of tennis, gone to jazz in city park and countless other fun activities.   The summer is already going fast and we have so many other fun activities planned!  

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