Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cupcake Truck

My friend, Becca, texted me a few weeks ago asking if I had ever seen the cupcake truck featured on NPR that drove around our neighborhood. I had never heard of it. Bri and I did some research and tracked it down. It is actually from a great little cupcake store in Park Hill that LT has been to with Zack and also with Baba called Crumbs. The truck, named Clementine, drives around and stops at a different location each day (I know this because I follow where he will be each day on Facebook). Each day he has a mystery flavor. One of the places he goes is to the jazz concerts in City Park each Sunday night. Last Sunday, we met up with some friends at the park for the concert and LT and I went on a mission to find Clementine. LT got a lemon cupcake and I got vanilla party, LT has better taste. His was exceptionally tasty.

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