Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cousin time

We had a busy last week with cousin Nicholas in town. Scott's mom had her second hip replaced last week and so Nicholas and Ying flew out to help her. The little boys and I were super excited to hang out with him for the week while my dad went on a bike ride in the San Juans, Bri went to Vegas and mom worked. However, plans changed. I was in a little bike accident, and dad decided it would be better if he stayed to help out with the three boys. I am sad he wasn't able to go on the bike ride, but I think we managed to have lots of fun and keep him busy. Here are some highlights (from my phone of course so not great pictures).We did lots and lots of swimming!
Nicholas was a huge help playing with LT and even read him his bedtime story.
Adler did some sleeping.
Grandma bought the boys matching sleeping bags with their names. LT said one of his favorite times of the whole week was playing in the sleeping bags with Nicholas.
We went to Lakeside on Friday night. Neither Bri nor I had been in years, but it was actually really fun. LT rode the train around the lake at least twice, Nicholas rode on the roller coaster a few times, we wandered around the grounds, rode the carosal, and stopped for a little food. LT decided he really didn't want to come home when Bri and I left to take Adler home to bed. He said he was going to sleep at Grandma and Papas. Honestly, I didn't think he would make it through the night without calling, but he did. He hadn't ever slept away from us, and the only night he didn't have either Bri or I at home with him was the night Adler was born. I think it was harder on Bri and I than it was on LT.
We met up with them the next night at Casa Bonita to celebrate Nicholas's 7th birthday. Above, LT was watching the talking rock at the puppet show.
Nicholas played a few games, and we all played a lot of skiball. Again, when it was time for Bri and I to take Adler home, we tried to take LT. He said, "mom, I told you, I am not coming home, I am staying at Grandma and Papas". So, he did, again.
As sad as it was not to have LT, we did get some alone time with Adler, and some time for Bri and I to talk. We took Adler to a coffee shop that was one of our favorites when LT was a baby. It was a struggle to get LT to come home the next night, but we managed to. I really think the only reason he managed to stay away from us was that cousin Nicholas was in town. They love playing together and really are very close (especially considering the age difference).

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