Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Firefighters Museum

We met Joe at the Firefighters Museum this morning. I had only been there for rehersal dinners before, it was a different atmosphere with kids.
The museum is just a block from the Denver Athletic Club. The boys and I parked there (free for us) and walked over. The DAC gives kids crackers and Adler was hungry, so we stopped briefly for a snack on the plush, brand new couches, which were speckled with crumbs when snack time was all said and done.
LT in front of one of the oldest non-horse drawn fire engines.
The museum is very kid friendly, equipped with fire hats, jackets and boots for kids to wear and tons of things for them to touch, feel, play with and read! Above, Joe, the fireman!
and LT the fireman!
Joe figuring out how to work the fire extinguisher, good thing to know how to use!

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