Friday, March 26, 2010

A Day in the Life at Preschool

I was one of the parent helpers in LTs school today. I get to do this often and really enjoy being so involved in his first school experience.Last year, Brian and I toured a few different schools. Steele, his current school, allowed the kids to come to the open house. They had a few activities set out during the open house for the kids. LT fondly remembered the little bears and talked about them a lot. Today, those bears were out when we got there.
The majority of the day for Z and LT was spent filling wooden trucks with animals and driving them around. Z was so excited to tell me what they were doing that he kept saying he was driving "amamamamallllll trucks".
Z showing of his ammmmamamamamal truck.
Teacher Anne had some really fun stuff in the water table that Isaac played with.
And some easter sheep for the kids to glue peanuts onto.
And another painting art project. I am always amazed by what they fit into the two hours of school. In addition to all of this, the kids go out EVERY day (unless its below 20 degrees) and eat a snack!

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