I have one job. Kari is the 'stay at home mom' and, at the time these pictures were taken, she had three jobs (in addition to that whole mom thing). You can do the math...
Similar to last year, part of Kari's work involves a few training sessions in the evenings as well as some Saturdays. That's when I get to have a small taste of being the stay at home parent and those work days were the inspiration for the numerous 'all day daddy daycare' posts last year. A year later and my alone time with LT is pretty different and, for the most part, much easier and more fun. There is one little exception though - he doesn't take bottles anymore but he still wants mama milk to go to sleep - this represents a bit of a problem for dad.
Kari wasn't expecting to get home from her training on Tuesday night until well after LT would normally go to bed. So I was left to face the no milk no sleep paradox. LT and I did many of our usual activities in the afternoon and evening - went to the library, played with toys and tools, read books, pet the baboos (dogs) and tried on dad's hat (above).
When bed time came around I tried not to show any fear and we did our bath routine and jammies as usual. I tried to give LT some juice but it's a poor substitute for mama milk and he saw right though it and only took one sip.
I had gotten a little laser pointer as a vendor giveaway at a conference recently. LT and I had played with it before and he seemed to enjoy it. I was out of options so I figured I'd try a laser show - we turned off all the lights in his room and laid down on the floor while I flashed the laser around on the ceiling. I figured at best I could try and keep his mind off the fact that he was being deprived his mama milk but, much to my surprise, he fell fast asleep watching the show!
I think the only person more surprised than me was Kari who was expecting to come home to a screaming kid and a stressed out husband but rather returned to a tranquil house.
After LT was asleep I took some photos as a reenactment of the laser show.
Lasers... who knew?
That is hilarious. I love the pink laser LT picture.
For the record, it was red not pink. I mean, it was a guys night after all :)
Can you train babysitters with that thing, Brian?
When I get laid off, I'm going to start up a consulting business around laser oriented child care.
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