Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thomas plate and fork

I did live in Nepal for nearly a year and ate every meal with my hands, but have embraced American eating manners after returning home and figure it is about time that LT learn the same manners. He went to the store today and picked out his first plate, bowl and fork (Thomas was the theme he wanted, must be Z's influence). He was so proud sitting at the table with his own fork and plate. He's been using forks and spoons for a few months now, but for some reason, taking away the highchair tray and putting him up to our table was a big milestone in his eyes.


Emily said...

OMG! He looks so grown up!

Jeremy, Julie, Eva and Kate said...

How adorable...he looks so proud!

Casey, Gavin, and Liam said...

That's so awesome, L.T! We still like to throw our plates on the floor when we sit at the table, unless Mama and Daddy are right there with us.