Thursday, January 24, 2008

Plethora of toys

LT was a little slow to actually "playing" with toys (or maybe his mom is crazy and doesn't give him enough credit). But when my mom was over the other day, she noticed the plethora of toys that LT has now and plays with and suggested that I post these on the blog.

When I taught preschool, I read many articles on child development and the conflicting arguments on whether boys and girls are trained to play with certain toys or whether it is nature guiding them. In LT's case I have put out many different toys (even some of my old dolls and pink stuffed animals) and he instantly grabs the cars and blocks (assuming there isn't a remote control or cell phone in the vicinity). Seems to be nature guiding in LT's case.
*******Bowen wants me to remind you all that he is another example of nature being the guide, he loves trucks and golf carts (we don't have to mention in this argument that Bowen also loves pink...)

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