Monday, August 26, 2019

Double Beer Garden, Quadruple Playground Kind of Day

 Day 3 was much warmer and not rainy.  We all needed to be outside and so we took the local train down to the English Garden (a park much larger than New Yorks Central park).  We had no agenda, just to be outside, but when we entered the park, we saw paddle boats and so we ended up renting one and cruising around a small lake.

 From the boat, we saw several playgrounds ("Spielplatz", B soon learned this word and proudly told a lady we met later in our trip that he speaks german.  This is the only word he knows, but he knows it well).  We spent the day wandering the park going from playground to playground and stopping for lunch at a beer garden in the park.

 After our adventure in the park, we walked from our hotel back to our trusted beer garden.  This time it was open and this time I went for the full german size beer.

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