Sunday, July 8, 2018

building and taking apart

Our house has been busy lately with projects building and creating all kinds of things. As well as taking apart stuff for fun and for parts to build new stuff with.

 Yesterday's creation was a megaphone designed by AC with parts picked out from the hardware store. Sure it looks like a beer bong and would work well if used in that capacity. But it's nothing but a megaphone to him so I just let it happen. I do wonder what the guy at the hardware store thought about the dad and eight year old kid buying beer bong supplies from him on a Saturday afternoon.  

While AC found his beer bong parts, B ran all around the hardware store with this miniature plunger. I'm sure we were among their favorite customers that day. We didn't buy the plunger and he later recounted the story in front of his mom saying, "I wanted to get the sponger but you said no". 

This was at various times a car, airplane and boat. 

LT built two different vending machines that actually functioned pretty well. Well enough to dispense goldfish and oyster crackers to himself and enthusiastic little siblings.

Two very old laptops were taken apart and even B got in on that effort. And of course one wears a magician's hat for that kind of work.

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