Sunday, May 22, 2016


When we put the trampoline in two summers ago we moved the rickety old swing set that'd been left by the prior owners to a different place in the yard where it continues to see lots of use. 

One of the swings broke off irreparably (to me anyway) but we recently used the space to add a baby swing for Blane. All in all, it's been a great item considering it was really just left behind junk.

Over the winter, however, the swinging and pounding apparently caused one of the legs to dig far enough into the ground to cut a big hole in one of the sprinkler lines, which I discovered in the form of a big fountain when I turned on the system for the summer. 

Honestly, I'm pretty intimidated by this kind of home repair (most kinds actually) but for some reason I decided to try and tackle this one myself. And it is successfully fixed thanks to a few youtube videos, $8 and a trip to the hardware store on the corner, and the help of my oldest son!

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