Sunday, April 1, 2012

Schools out for Spring break!

This week is spring break for LT. The weather has been gorgeous and we have enjoyed spending the majority of our time outdoors. In addition to doing a lot of gardening and playing in our yard, we have also spent some time with friends. We found ourselves at the Botanic Gardens twice this week. Its one of my favorite places to take our kids.
LT and his buddies Ewan and Isaac took this wonderful little class at the gardens on Wed. They learned about cold weather crops. They read a book, tasted veggies that grow this time of year and were even able to plant their own little gardens to bring home!
Afterwards we let the boys run around the gardens. They (with their little brothers) spent a lot of time rolling down this hill, running back up and rolling again!

Adler and Holden had a blast trying to keep up with their big brothers.

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