Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Big weekend

LT's first basketball practice was on Saturday morning. LT was a little shy and reticent about things, as he often is, and needed a little extra parental support. The photo above shows him doing some running drills with a little help from mom.

He did some things on his own though, like shooting at the basket. It looks like he's staring down a perfect swish here but I'm pretty sure he missed.

The next day we we all went to the zoo in the morning and then LT and I went and cleaned his "little school." Then, at his request, I took LT to the golf course for the first time ever. We played one hole on the little kid's course. With a little help, I think LT got about an 19. So I guess he is on pace to be better than me in a few months.

As we were leaving the golf course I gave him a few choices about what we could do next and he chose the art museum.

They had a new temporary exhibit called "Blink! Light, Sound and the Moving Image" - you can see some of it in the background above. We went thought the whole thing but I was having a hard time gauging what LT thought about it. I thought maybe it had scared him and that taking him had been a mistake. However, when we were done, the first thing he asked me was, "are there any more exhibits like that we can see?"

We did find some green lazer mice on a wall but otherwise couldn't find anything else like Blink!. That was okay though, LT seemed to love everything at the museum.

We had gotten a family membership the week before. Like most memberships, it only takes a few visits to be worth it relative to price of the normally daily admission. So it usually makes sense but I was a little unsure if we'd end up using this one enough to justify it. I guess my worries were unfounded though because we easily spent three hours there on Sunday as LT looked at all kinds of art, did various projects they have for kids, and even briefly played dress up (above).

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