Wednesday, March 30, 2011


A random assortment of pictures from the last couple weeks:

LT is getting more comfortable at basketball and is doing more things on his own.

We went to a birthday party the weekend before last with some of his friends from his "big school."

He charmed all the ladies at the party.

The party wore him out and he fell asleep on the drive home with candy from the party in hand. He's pretty much given up his afternoon nap at home but he gets pretty tired so short naps in the car have gotten pretty common.

Adler smiling.

LT resting with Blankie and Brown B.
LT being a goof.

Adler playing Golden Tee (sort of).

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mid March

These pictures are in no particular order, just some of the latest phone uploads.
LT will paint and create with various materials all day long if we let him. He is starting to give up his nap, however we are still at home in the afternoon so that Adler can nap. LT and I have lots of time to do fun art projects. His cubbies at school are also filled daily with art he does at school. Adler tries so hard to be like his brother. I have to admit that I don't really love Adler doing art, especially painting, at this age. He's a disaster to say the least, but he loves it too and occasionally I give in and let him paint.
We've had some great weather lately. Adler's playgroup had their weekly playdate at a nearby park and LT got to tag along.
LT has just begun really wanting the attention that Adler gets for doing baby things. I guess he hears us laughing at Adler for making a big mess because I turned around and found LT doing the same thing with his yogurt.
Adler is a very opinionated child and lets you know. LT is usually pretty agreeable, however, if his brother has been getting a lot of attention for crying, LT is sometimes known to just start crying for attention. We also don't have good days everyday. One afternoon was especially hard. It was so hard that all I could do was laugh and take pictures.
Hailie has been really sick and needing to go to the vet often. Its a little drive (20 minutes or so). Adler, Hailie and I drop LT off at school and then head to the vet so that I only have one kid. Often times the timing isn't quite right and we have a few extra minutes to stop at our favorite bagel store, Moes. Adler doesn't like the bagels, but he loves the cream cheese!
Happy at the park.
Adler loves butter. He would eat it for all meals if we let him. While making LT toast the other day, I turned around and found Adler had dug right into the tub of butter and was helping himself to breakfast.
More painting.
As I said above, LT is starting to give up his nap. Adler had fallen asleep this particular morning driving home from the mountains for a short time. We thought we could get away with an afternoon activity with both kids. We took a short family outing to the Botanical Gardens. However, the kids were both pretty grumpy and it was incredibly windy. We cut our afternoon short and within minutes of getting in the car, both boys were sound asleep.

After one vet visit this week, they brought in a doggie cardiologist to examine Hailie more closely. She shaved Hailie and attached monitors to her for a 24 hour period. Hailie was not too happy, but she looks pretty good in her pink coat! We still don't know whats wrong with her, but are hoping for a few answers Monday.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weekend at Baba's

that messy hair look

We got Copper Mountain four passes this year, and despite my skeptically predicting before we got them that we'd maybe use one day, we've actually used all four days. We've even found a little routine that seems to work pretty well for everyone. I'll take a day off from work and we drive up and stay with one of my parents the night before. On the way up we stop for dinner at Beau Jo's pizza in Idaho Springs. The next day my parents are kind enough to watch the boys for a few hours in the morning while we ski. We even got lucky with the weather a few times and managed to get some fresh snow. It's a little different than some of the skiing we did before kids but it's been fun nonetheless.

Our most recent ski day was last Friday. We stayed in the mountains an extra night which gave me an opportunity to chase the boys around with my camera.

The Artist at Work
Baba got a bunch of art supplies for LT (and Adler but mostly LT) and he was in heaven.

Adler got into whatever he could find to get into.

LT also did a little "knitting". My mom still has the same sewing box that was made by my dad's dad. I used to love to play with it and all the stuff in it and now LT does too.

Mom, LT and Baba reading books on the couch.

Grandpa holding Adler shortly after he woke up from his nap.

Adler loves light switches. He was thrilled when I brought him a little stool so he could reach this one on his own.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Big weekend

LT's first basketball practice was on Saturday morning. LT was a little shy and reticent about things, as he often is, and needed a little extra parental support. The photo above shows him doing some running drills with a little help from mom.

He did some things on his own though, like shooting at the basket. It looks like he's staring down a perfect swish here but I'm pretty sure he missed.

The next day we we all went to the zoo in the morning and then LT and I went and cleaned his "little school." Then, at his request, I took LT to the golf course for the first time ever. We played one hole on the little kid's course. With a little help, I think LT got about an 19. So I guess he is on pace to be better than me in a few months.

As we were leaving the golf course I gave him a few choices about what we could do next and he chose the art museum.

They had a new temporary exhibit called "Blink! Light, Sound and the Moving Image" - you can see some of it in the background above. We went thought the whole thing but I was having a hard time gauging what LT thought about it. I thought maybe it had scared him and that taking him had been a mistake. However, when we were done, the first thing he asked me was, "are there any more exhibits like that we can see?"

We did find some green lazer mice on a wall but otherwise couldn't find anything else like Blink!. That was okay though, LT seemed to love everything at the museum.

We had gotten a family membership the week before. Like most memberships, it only takes a few visits to be worth it relative to price of the normally daily admission. So it usually makes sense but I was a little unsure if we'd end up using this one enough to justify it. I guess my worries were unfounded though because we easily spent three hours there on Sunday as LT looked at all kinds of art, did various projects they have for kids, and even briefly played dress up (above).

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Big Debut

On Wednesday the boys were extras in the filming of a TV spot for a Denver mayoral candidate. I assume this will launch their modeling/acting careers and before long they'll be rich and famous and I can retire.

We weren't really sure what to expect but, for the most part, the kids just played on the playground in the backdrop while the film crew worked with the candidate.

So What'cha Want?
In addition to playing, there was lots of waiting around, so I had some time to take some pictures of the boys.

checkered past

At the end, the took some close up footage with the kids and moms. I think we made the B reel - apparently there is something to the baby kissing cliche because the cute little baby girl made the A reel.

Monday, March 7, 2011


A few weeks ago Kari's mom came over for dinner and she brought a special surprise for dessert. Both boys loved the chocolate fondue and Adler showed that he's still got some pretty big cheeks.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A few from the first weekend in March

Here are a few shots from the camera of the two crazy boys adventures this weekend.
LT loving having his photo taken during snack time.
Adler, clearly very excited to be sitting at the table for snack. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't keep things around long if we aren't using them or don't need them. In fact, I probably jumped the gun and got rid of our high chair seat before we really should have. Regardless, Adler has taken pretty well to standing at the table (he couldn't quite reach his food sitting and honestly doesn't like to sit very long). Friday was a big day, he SAT at the table.
Every Friday, our gym has this great class where you can bring your kids. They set up an obstacle course for the kids to play on and the moms have a conditioning/weight lifting class. It has been really nice to be able to workout and have my kids with me. The boys love it and in a way its like free (OK, not free given our monthly fees), gymnastics. There are a few older kids that LT runs around with and lots of kids Adler's age. My good friend, Megan, goes as well with her little baby. LT couldn't get enough of baby Emilee on Friday. He was so gentle and sweet with her.

Brian's photographs are up at Tenn St Coffee this month. The First Friday art walk and opening was this past Friday. Before we went to the coffee shop, we had dinner at Parisis with Baba, Papa and Grandma. One of Adler's favorite things to do during dinner is feed whomever is around. Friday, it was Baba.
Adler really adores the dogs. It is difficult to capture his hugs and kisses while still ensuring everyone is safe, but I managed to capture a quick shot of the aftermath.
We took the boys to the DAC this morning and played basketball and then wandered into the boxing room. LT wanted to do "baby sit ups". I am not sure how he defines them because doing them on an incline is not how I would define "baby sit ups". He talked me into doing quite a few and then tested it out himself. He's a strong little guy!
Adler and daddy did some boxing.
After the DAC we went to the Denver Art Museum. LT found some fun blocks to build tall towers with. He even encouraged Adler to knock them down, win win.

Friday, March 4, 2011

the other camera

I've got two cameras. One that is reasonably nice and what I use for my budding 'carrer' as a photographer (please please please come see my latest work during the month of March at Tenn St. please).

I've also got a camera on my phone which takes crappy pictures but is often the only thing I have with me (interestingly enough, Kari has exactly the same phone and she takes much better pictures with it). Anyway, here are a bunch of photos from my phone over the last month or two.

Last week I let the boys play in the front yard. You can see what that entailed. We all cleaned up together after we were done. However, we got in trouble with mom a few days later when LT told Papa he was always allowed to dig up the yard.

Adler riding his little bike. He might be ready for a push bike this summer.

LT playing skeeball - he launched this one a little high.

Often times this year, at bed time, I'd take Adler down to the basement and walk around watching Sunday/Monday Night Football while he feel asleep. Then I'd sit on the couch and watch a few minutes of the game while he slept in my arms. It was our special little time together and I found myself really looking forward to it every week. I took this photo of us during the Super Bowl and I figure, because Adler will be too old/big next season, that'll be the last time we ever get to do our little NFL nighttime routine.

LT and I made snowmen a few weeks ago.

Adler in his car seat with sun glasses and passpass.

LT using the back massager.

We took the boys to family night at the DAC and while they both loved the buffet Alder really loved it.

We had a real construction worker come install a dog door and LT gathered some of his plastic tools and intently watched the guy work.

LT & Baba at the zoo.