Thursday, September 2, 2010

Race Car!

There is a little red car that is often parked out in front of the building across the street from our house. It' a piece of junk - I don't know how else to describe it. It wasn't a nice car to begin with, more of a wannabe poor man's sports car, and the years have not been kind to it. Now it has one headlight held on with duct tape, the front grill is gone and the hood is strapped down with a bungie cord.

For some reason LT has been fascinated by it for a long time (I'm going to guess because of the little spoiler on the back but I don't know). Though the winter and spring he talked about it whenever he saw it. He would even bring it up sometimes when it wasn't in sight. He said it was his favorite car called it a "fast race car."

I thought it was pretty funny and I'd egg him on and ask questions about the "fast race car" when he'd bring it up. Apparently he misinterpreted my joking about the car for a genuine fondness for the crappy vehicle and by the start of summer it was no longer the "race car" but had become "daddy's favorite car."

Kari suggested I write the car story down before he stopped saying it (and, sadly, he pretty much has stopped now). So in mid June LT and I set out to do some photo journalism on the unique subject.

A nice smile to go along with a nice car. And it really is nice, isn't it?

And here is LT helping me photograph some of the finer features of the vehicle.

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