Friday, September 3, 2010

Polyface Farm

I am finally getting around to reading Omnivores Dilemna and man I wish I could visit Polyface farm, or better yet, that it was within driving distance. But, its not, so yesterday we headed out to get some fresh produce from Berry Patch.
LT strolling the strawberry fields.
LT and Jack building "doors for the animals that live underground".
Its not just me who loves fresh produce. When LTs doctor asked him if he eats any fruits or vegetables, he replied, "yes, tomatoes, but they have to be fresh from the plant, and basil, but it has to be fresh." I have always found store tomatoes to be disgusting, but I absolutely love fresh tomatoes. The strawberries from the fields yesterday put store strawberries to shame. I am not sure you can even call them strawberries. When we got in the car, I asked LT if he wanted a snack. He said, "yes, one fresh tomato and one fresh apple". He ate them both on the way home. Adler had the strawberries and an apple.

I love supporting local farmers and enjoying their fresh produce. We will be back soon for more.

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